There are some things that define summer. Weeks and weeks can go by of the supposed season, and for me, despite 90+ degree days and late sunsets, summer won't offically have occurred unless a few key things take place. I think I crammed most of my things into the past 3 days.
- Candy AND ice cream at the bazaar
- The world's best french toast ever
- Putting my toesers into sand...that leads into a vast ocean
- Boat rides
- and last but not least, something that has been missing for a long time. Something that when I went today, I vowed NEVER to drive/walk by again. A lemonade stand. Right there in South Salem. Brownies, popcorn and lemonade, sold my two cute little girls. Never mind that they lived on what appeared to be the biggest horse farm on the road, and were looking very smart in their tennis whites. It brought me back, I swerved the car off the road, put on my hazards and bought some goods. The mom stood in the background, always making sure her girls were ok. It brought back some of the best memories. The things that summers were all about, carefree days, barefeet, screaming L-E-M-O-N-A-D-E to every passerby. Too bad it took me until the last day of August to get these things done, I'll have to start earlier next year.