Earlier today, just after Nonie was dropped at school, Dec and I made our way through my early morning "To Dos".
One of the items on the list was find our darn video camera cord so that I can be certain to capture my sweet 2.5 & 5.5 year-olds on film.
Their voices are so high, their words are so cute. And, for the life of me, I can't find the cord to charge our camera. It has been driving me bonkers. I must record their cuteness.
Dec and I removed two big drawers from the living room chest and rifled through a tangle of cords - none of them belonged to an electronic device I recall owning. He couldn't take his hands off them. This only made my work harder. But boy, do I love him.
Suddenly two words caught my eye and I quickly dropped everything that was in my hands.
A VHS tape that read "Rehearsal Dinner" had made its way to the top of our pile.
Rehearsal Dinner Wha? Who's? Ours?
My mind raced to our rehearsal dinner. I didn't recall anyone taping it at the time.
I simply had to pop the video in to see.
(And yes, as Emah constantly reminds me, I'm the only one left in the world who still owns a VHS player. See how handy it comes in Emah?)
Two images flash before my eyes immediately:
Me as a 3 year old. Then, seconds later, the Hubs as a five year old.
We're both in photos taken at the beach.
The next shot is me on a big wheel at the age of 6. Then, the Hubs on his dirt bike flying high through the air. Age 10.
The video plays on, the photos alternate between the soon to be bride, and soon to be groom.
Dec is shouting behind me, "Who IS that?" "Who is THAT?" "Really Mom, WHO is that?"
Then his questions morphed into "Is THAT Daddy?" "Is that GRANNY????" "Is that LILY?Look at Lily, she was such a cute little NUGGET!!!" (I kid you not, he said that Lils - and, you were about ten in the picture, wearing the pink Laura Ashley dress).
We watched it twice. I cried both times.
The photos were set to this tune (which I can't get out of my head, eleven hours later)...
We were so young.
The pictures of us when we were dating simply took my breath away.
We were so young.
Did I mention that I cried for the duration of both viewings?
But, I managed to pull myself together to answer Dec's pressing questions:
A picture of the Hubs circa 1995 (college years, before I entered the picture)...
"Why was daddy wearing a dress?"
I don't know sweety, you'll have to ask him when he gets home.
And, of the picture of the Hubs as a 10-year old rockin' this insane jump on his dirtbike...
"Why didn't daddy jump higher than that?"
I don't know sweety, you'll have to ask him when he gets home.
Thank goodness the image of me as the Montessori Christmas Elf next to the Hubs as the Montessori SANTA CLAUS, only elicited a shriek of "SANTA, MOM, LOOK SANTA!".
While the tears flowed, beneath my feet began to crumble....just like in that song.
And I let myself enjoy the reminder of where and when that music and the magic began.
*** Due to the emotionally exhausting jaunt down memory lane, No, I did not find the darn video camera cord..... maybe tomorrow.***