Friday, September 2, 2011

My husband doesn't believe in.

My husband doesn't believe in units that wind-up hoses for you, he insists that we are capable of doing this ourselves. For years I've enviously looked at those rolling hose thing-a-ma-jiggers that our neighbors all have.

My husband doesn't believe in training wheels or ski harnesses for the children. He calls these gadgets "crutches".

Come to think of it, he didn't believe in using pacifiers for the children when they were babes.

My husband doesn't believe in pre-boarding for families, and often leaves the airport gate to fetch a cup of coffee or go pee while the plane fills up.

My husband doesn't believe in calling professionals to fix things - unless it has to do with electricity. Shockingly, he takes a back seat for all things electrical.

My husband doesn't believe in parking cars in direct sunlight if there is shade available nearby. Yes, this means grass is preferable to driveway if it means parking in the shade.

My husband doesn't believe in wasting product - as an example, when the toothpaste's end is near, he cuts the long strip off the end and swipes his toothbrush into the tube to eek out every last drop.

My husband doesn't believe in leaving an extra big tip for the waiter who was really nice/cute.

My husband doesn't believe in eating the ends of the bread. Even when I turn the end side in and smear peanut butter on it to disguise it - he catches on and turns up his nose.

My husband doesn't believe in dessert - or cheering for the Yankees or Giants - and those are quirky things about him that really perplex me. He also doesn't believe in cleaning up after his breakfast or shutting his closet door. But I think those are observations for a different post.

To summarize: my husband doesn't believe in some things that I believe in.

And this makes me believe in him even more.

*balanced rocks - the hub's creation on the shores of the Irish sea -

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