There are far too many thoughts whizzing through my mind to write a clear, and coherent post.
This would explain why you haven't heard from me much in the past few days/weeks. What an insanely busy 6 weeks.
I keep saying to people "life seems to be in fast-forward". My neighbor, she drives by while I scoop the mail up, my friends in town - while our grocery carts eek by each other in the pasta aisle, my not-yet-friends in the parking lot of Nonie's preschool.... they all hear my same phrase - "life seems to be in fast-forward".
And it does. Life seems to be moving in fast-forward. The bags under my eyes and my gray hairs are having trouble keeping up.
Can't believe we're halfway through October and moving full steam ahead into November.
Wait. What?!
I'm thinking about getting older. I'm thinking 'bout it a lot.
During these weeks, and days, when I keep saying to myself:
Slow Down.
Look Around.
Your Children Are SO YOUNG.
And Full of FUN. And they WANT to be with YOU.
So, in full awareness of the "getting older" mindset - the other day,
I said to the hubs - let's take the children for a bowl of soup at our favorite spot....
and then to the Res for pictures.
And then to the res for pictures. A photo shoot -
So that we won't forget this day.
This day when I'm thinking 'bout getting older.
So, when we got there the children laughed and ran and played about -
as they always do.
And when they got tired we (me and the hubs) taught them all about echos.
You know the echos that come from the sounds we cry out from the depths of our timid souls especially when we think about getting older???
The sounds we hear reflected back at the most unassuming and unexpected times.
-those echos. We had an impromptu field lesson about them.
we each took a turn - howling to the wild blue yonder and carefully listening to each echo as it returned from the distant valley.
That night,
I howled. And howled and howled.
My echo responded. And responded and responded.
And when the howling was done,
In my mind, in my heart, and in my soul...
I never did feel quite so young.
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