Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Love to Go a Wandering....

Our first foray into the woods:
2 babies in backpacks: check
1 doodle with lolly: check
lots and lots of beautiful nature: check
2 mom desperately seeking exercise as summer and less clothing is coming: check
1 nonie trying to sleep: check
1 doodle wanting to go home: check
1 xave craining his neck to see what the what was going on: check
2 momies killing the lovely backpack on my back, val-de-reeeeeee, val-de-raaaaaaa, val-de-reeeeee, val-de-rahahahahahahaha..... check

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

jazz hands

I am a failure. I spent about 15 hours at jazzfest this weekend and did not even do jazz hands. Kara, can you forgive me?

I did get to see some amazing music, crafts and THIS.

A costume of the "Mardi Gras Indians". As far as I know they are an elusive group that exists only through stories but apparently they are the real deal and they run around in outfits such as these. All of those images are done with beading. I think. Maybe that's a lie, but maybe not. What I do know is that the little gap above the cross-shape figure is for their face. Did I mention it's hot down here? I was in a full body sweat when I got to work in a tank top in the morning, I can only imagine what goes on under those costumes (aka, underoos etc.)

Of the New Orleans events I've experienced, this is among the most spectacular. It's like being at the beach on the Vineyard, minus the cool ocean breeze (and ocean) and umbrellas, plus 100,000 people, loud music and deep fried everything. Annie would hate it! I stand firm in saying, it is jazz hands worthy. I can't believe I forgot them!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nothing Like A Sister

My plan is always this: try not to rely on my sisters too much.

But, my plan never works.  

And to all a good night...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the problem

The problem with my bedroom is that it's smack in the middle of the apartment. From the front door to the bathroom? Bedroom. From my plopped bum in front of the tv to the fridge? Bedroom. It's quite the un-private boudoir.
Actually, the real problem with my bedroom is that it has a bed in it. All fine and good during normal sleeping hours, but not so in the middle of the day or early evening times. The thing is, I love my bed. Dare I say I need my bed, and feel that it needs me. I look at my bed longingly as I pass through the room. I am pretending to be busy but really I'm just killing time until the sun goes down and I can slip under the covers.

But sometimes, I just have to do this.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

That Was Awesome

Her eyes peered out over the side of the red wagon.  They were shaded by the wide brim of her hat.  I was amazed by how content she was watching me and Dec garden.  We puttered around the front garden for an hour or so, removing the old growth and making room for the bright green sprouts.  Then feeling bored and tired, she started to fidget.

Dec sensed her boredom and responded immediately.  He went to her and placed her rattle back in her hands.   He asked me if he could take her for a "spin around the yard".

Before I said yes, he was off.  He pulled.  She giggled.  He pulled faster.  I returned to weeding.   

My thoughts were of: "wow, how helpful to have my 3-year old take care of my 7 month la la... he's a big boy now.... la la la... happy spring .... good to be back in the garden".  

In retrospect, I should have paid more attention to what Dec was doing.  In retrospect, he definitely had an adventure planned.  I can't believe how quickly I returned to the soil, worms, and weeds.

Then it happened.  

I heard a rumble of wheels barreling down the hill.  My head turned and feet began to race toward the back yard.  I heard a shout of excitement from Dec.  A Nonie giggle followed.  He was racing behind the wagon, pushing it toward the hill.  He jumped in head first.  Nonie's big pink sun hat flapped in the wind. Dec's skinny legs dangled out the side of the wagon.  His head was no where in sight.  They raced down the hill together.

My heart skipped a beat.  She's only 7 months old!  She could fall!  He could have kicked her in the head jumping into the wagon!  They're on a crash course for the wheel barrow!

But then they roll to a stop.  Nonie is upright.  Her eyes are wider than ever.  They had just squeaked by the wheel barrow.  Dec gathered himself and  slithered down the side of the wagon.  He laughed as he turned to Nonie and said, "Hey, that was awesome!"

And it was. 

If I had seen Dec's crazy stunt coming, I would have tried to prevent it.  

If I had prevented it, I would have missed out on one of the most heartwarming moments I've experienced as a mother.

* About the photo: By the time I ran inside to get all things accessible to capture the moment (video, camera, etc) Nonie had fallen over and Dec had moved on to his bike.  The photo above is a quieter Dec & Nonie little red wagon moment (from January).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

a view

This is what I looked at as I sat in Battery Park (Burlington) on Tuesday while my flight was supposed to be taking off. It did not take off. There was bad weather, not here (New Orleans) or there (Burlington) but somewhere.
Anyway, this is the view that I like. Sitting in Vermont and seeing New York where my family is. It is almost like you are close enough to touch. I can't quite do that here. BUT the end is close. This makes me think ... "wahooooooo!"
Oh, the other thing that I really like in this picture is the creemee on the left. It was my first of the season. A twist. DELISH!!
See how it was about food again? I don't know how that keeps happening.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tiki, car-nal, and sunny fun....

Back to reality after a little vacation. Renewed, refreshed, revived.  AMAZING what a little sun will do. All I wanted was to be WARM. Papa asked me on the beach a couple of hours into our first beach day if my bones were warm yet. He knew what I needed and I got it...and then some. So much fun playing in the sun and sand and surf. LOVED IT ALL....

Saturday, April 11, 2009


We're back (physically) from the sunny south.  We are not back mentally or spiritually.

Spent Easter Eve nestled with Dec convincing him that the northeast isn't as rainy/cold/cloudy/unbearable as it feels at this moment.

Then I told him the story of the Great Easter Bunny and tried like heck to answer his Easter questions:

"How does the Easter Bunny talk to you Mommy?" (this, after I told him the Easter Bunny told ME that all children need to be bathed and cozy in bed before their mommies tell them the Great Easter Bunny story).

"How did God get to heaven? Does he take a plane there?  Is it a bumpy plane ride?"

"Will the Easter Bunny know that I want a flag of the state in my Easter Basket and not chocolates?"

The bunny does now.  

What the heck is a flag of the state?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter Bonnets and Bread Puddin'

Today I needed to bundle up. This was hard to do considering I shipped off a $75 package of my winter clothes two weeks ago. I can't say I wasn't warned. Just as locals had told me "There will be one cold month of winter " (an idea that I poo-pooed at the time) so they said "It will get hot... and then it will get cold again". Outrageous! "What do they know?"

Well, they knew.

It's all relative, I guess. It was 60 something degrees, bright sunshine and a pretty breeze. My concept of cold has changed. I thought about turning on the heat in my apartment tonight, but opted for a pair of fuzzy pink socks instead.

I'm thinking about what I'll pack to bring to Vermont later this week. Do five layers of cotton equal one layer of wool? Would a paper grocery bag decorated as an Easter bunny (a la Chris circa 1985) act as proper hat?

Stay tuned for pictures of Tese, Maddy and I in our Easter bonnets. Tese has already threatened to turn a basket upside down and stick it on Maddy's head (THE HORROR! We would SO not win the contest at church). Also, our bread pudding is on the horizon. Should be a lovely holiday.
ALSO--- Check out this picture I snapped at the zoo
yesterday. It looks like these giraffes are necking
(HA!) but really they are fighting. They were swinging their necks at each others, I thought they were going to get tangled up!
They must be cousins.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Eileen and Annie

Sometimes you just need to sit in a Tiki Hut with your sister
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Are we huggers?

I wonder this because I was told by my boss that a parent called and mentioned that I should hug her daughter more. I laughed. Are all issues settled with an embrace? Have I been missing something all these years?

Then the mother came in for a conference and informed me that she told her child to just "go hug Ms. Hartigan when you want to, it's ok". It is? When the mother left we both stood up and she said (with arms outstretched) "we're huggers so you have to give me a hug". I do? Good Lord. I had no idea!

When the girl was picked up at the end of the day her mother sent her back over to give me a hug. OK WAIT A MINUTE. What is going on? I never realized how much I enjoy my personal space. Not to mention this child spent half the day with her finger up her nose and green "things" all over her face.

So I am left to wonder... do I underhug? does this lady overhug? am I ok with having green boogies schmeared all over my shirt for the rest of the school year (because apparently that is where this is all headed)?