Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Are we huggers?

I wonder this because I was told by my boss that a parent called and mentioned that I should hug her daughter more. I laughed. Are all issues settled with an embrace? Have I been missing something all these years?

Then the mother came in for a conference and informed me that she told her child to just "go hug Ms. Hartigan when you want to, it's ok". It is? When the mother left we both stood up and she said (with arms outstretched) "we're huggers so you have to give me a hug". I do? Good Lord. I had no idea!

When the girl was picked up at the end of the day her mother sent her back over to give me a hug. OK WAIT A MINUTE. What is going on? I never realized how much I enjoy my personal space. Not to mention this child spent half the day with her finger up her nose and green "things" all over her face.

So I am left to wonder... do I underhug? does this lady overhug? am I ok with having green boogies schmeared all over my shirt for the rest of the school year (because apparently that is where this is all headed)?


  1. sooo funny... i was just talking to some teachers about their students hugging them and my explanation was I WOULD NEVER HAVE HUGGED A TEACHER...first of all...ewwwwwww, second of all, aren't there boundries??
    i love hugs, but there is a time and place for all hugs, mine are usually around xave.

  2. Doesn't all that hugging potentially put you at risk legally with a student/child relationship. What if someone accuses you of overhugging one child and not another, or maybe a hugger might hug you inappropriately. I know we are talking about little girls, but I watch a lot of news and CSI these days, so these questions come to mind. I think you need to invest in a booger smock, and make a standard hug time, like a 'snack time'. You could put on your smock (like Joseph putting on his technicolor dream coat)have the little girls line up for hug time. Make it fair, one hug per child, not to last longer than 3 seconds. Lil' Annie (I'm sure Big Annie too) and I would stand in your hug line.

  3. Ummmm, apparently Michelle Obama is a hugger:

    Video:Michelle Obama on education, hugs AP
    Michelle Obama Hugs Queen Elizabeth, Stirs Controversy (PHOTOS, POLL, VIDEO)

  4. YES see... "stirs controversy".
