Friday, February 18, 2011

As it's meant to be

'Cause I need freedom now
And I need to know how
To live my life as it's meant to be....

Took the kids down to the lake this evening.

"8:00" said the clock in the kitchen as I closed the door on the way out.
"Not a school night" replied my conscience as I took the three steps down to the path.

While we walked and the kids clutched their fading flashlights,
I listened to their words get more nervous the further we strayed
from our home and the comfort of the front porch lights.

It was a beautiful night with *SUCH* an unbelievably warm breeze coming off the lake.
The wind was howling.
The clouds passed quickly over one of the largest moons I've seen in a long time.
For a while we walked in silence weaving our way in and out of the shadows of tulip trees.

We have a lot of neighbors who have beautiful wind chimes and I didn't know that before this evening.

And, for the record, the music that danced through my head while we walked too and fro on this "spring weather teaser of an evening"?

It was this song, but mostly this particular performance - which I luckily caught the other night on tv.

Incredible energy. Just like my walk tonight with the kids.

lyrics - Mumford and Sons "the cave"

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