Looking for milk from Mama Goat-Sheep.
After close inspection, Dec said that the Mama Goat-Sheep had no eyes.
It was at that moment that I declared: "all Mama Goat-Sheep in this pen need a haircut".
I mean it, there is some wool on those things.
Probably laughed.
This is just after we passed the "don't worry Nonie, those vultures aren't too scary" pen.
Dec scooped Nonie's hand in his own. To protect her from the vultures.
For the record, they were turkeys.
(We need to get out more.)
So much more entertaining than any of the books we've checked out of the library this week.
Seriously, why are we having so much trouble identifying farm animals today?
But this, I assured the children, this is a Mama Cow.
Then, I quickly took note of the fact that this Mama Cow needed to nurse or be milked. Her udders were pouring out milk and she kept bellowing from one corner of her field to another.
I think I was the only one who really understood her needs.
Just call me the cow-whisperer.
This photo was taken about 2 minutes after Nonie lost her cute little pink ked in a cowpie/mud puddle.
I chose to focus on the expansive view and not her muck encased toes that wiggled around me.
These are the babies who we stalked for about 30 minutes. Saggy-baggy lambs.
I could have curled up with them and their wobbly little legs for days.
Happy award goes to the pigs.
I tell you - they're on to something.
Sunniest spot on the farm and not even my squealing children stirred them.
Why hello John Deere tractor. Can we talk about the fact that a green tractor drove by us on the farm for the next 30 hours straight?!?
Great then, we will.
Desperate for the chance to take it for a spin around the farm.
We'd just talked about the saying en route to Montessori School two weeks ago.
And we also talked about "the early bird catches the worm..."
Upon seeing this sign, I think (but can't be totally sure) that Dec offered up an ounce of his respect for me, "hmmm, she's not really making all this stuff up...." he thought.
On Tuesday we
My hope is that they