Sunday, April 3, 2011

Who, me?

I can't believe you all think I'M the uptight one.

Just because I've spent the past two weekends lying flat on the hard wood floor trying to catch a deep breath, because that, I've found through hours of trial and error, is the only way I can catch a deep breath. But only on the weekends. When I have enough time to even consider thinking about breathing.
Just because you are all waking up this morning in Florida. Where you are probably sweating. And not because you went to sleep last night in a head to toe fleece outfit. And not because you have to wear a hat and mittens and crank the heat in the house. But because well it's spring and supposed to be warm. Or hot. And you're probably going to go to the beach today. And running your fingers through the sand and probably even drink something with loads of ice cubes in it just to get some feeling of cool-ness. But I am here in my wool socks looking but not quite touching the deceiving sunny day.

What has all THAT got to do with me being the uptight one? I ask.

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