Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My students will eat my ALIVE if I act this way.

Today, common sense is following about 5 seconds behind every decision I've been making.
After closing the door to the house and (1, 2, 3, 4, 5...) locking my car key and house key inside, I wondered the direction the day would take.
Break the screen window and go right in?
In a heap of patheticness, call the hubbs for help? Locksmith? Husband? The line is blurry.

Here is a question that will help this story along...
where do you keep your spare car key?
Is there a right answer? If you keep it in the car and get locked out you're doubly troubled.
Inside the house is not helpful if you're locked outside. Purse? I'd rather own 50 but carry everything in my hand (as was the problem this fateful morning).

Here is my answer.
My spare key is in the car.

So I head to hubb's office to pick up his house key because poor Drake is locked inside and we had a playdate with Honey to get to later and Drakedog is nothing if not playful and prompt.

It seems as though the day was salvaged once I had the house key so I set off to do my errands at the post office. I locked the car and went inside (1, 2, 3, 4, 5...) where I immediately doubted my key's ability to get me back into the car without the beeper part attached. Do I even have keyholes on the doors? I tried to peer at the car through the window across the lot. Don't be silly! I told myself. You have the key you are not locked out!

Well, I was locked out. Who would have guessed that the key wouldn't open the door? (Actually, I guessed it inside, but it was too late, remember? )
I struggled with it a little bit pretending that I was proactively reacting appropriately but it wasn't budging. I could always call hubby to test his car-burgling skills but (1, 2, 3, 4, 5...) my phone was locked in the car.

An elderly gentleman saw me struggling and came to my rescue. A knight in a green Pontiac coupe! Hey, I thought, I'll take it. Same man who held the door for me on my way out of the post office. Read: not a total stranger!
He told me to try the trunk (no keyhole) and passenger door ( .... no keyhole) so he said "Guess I can't help you then!" (glad his day was salvaged). He asked if I lived close and could get the other key and forgetting I had just been to hubb's work I told him that in a series of locking myself out of things I could not get into the house anyway. Plus, how does that help? I live the next town over. But I only thought those things because he was far too nice and attempting helpfulness to be snarky to.
I said I'd call my hubby to help but oh! if I didn't have my phone locked in the car. So he handed me his and I stared at it because I don't know his work number and he turns is regular phone off so here I am in 2011 and every modern convenience is failing me. When I told him where he worked he said "Well I'll just drive you there".
So he cleared of the seat in his coupe and I sat down and (1, 2, 3, 4, 5...) realize I'm as good as dead because I'm in the car with a stranger (but not total stranger because he had held the door for me) and I'm trying to remember everything I can about screaming fire and sticking my finger up my nose and detaching the taillight wires when we pull up to the hubb's office and he lets me out.

Here I was, back at the office confessing helplessness in dire need of being rescued and trying not to remember that that sometimes he falls too

because it seems as though today, there's only time for one of us to stumble.

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