Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Bleary eyed after tossing and turning
for close to 2 hours,

Dec walked up to me last night and said he was having
trouble falling asleep but he knew just what he needed
to fix the problem.

"Just a couple of waffles and a few pancakes and then
I'm sure I'll go right back to sleep..."

It was close to 10:00 PM.

I did not make waffles or pancakes.

But he did, eventually, fall asleep.

First he made up a fake illness that had to do with a pain in his
right leg, one wiggly tooth, and a "bending in the wrong direction"
little toe.

Then he decided to mop the entire length of the upstairs hallway with his
pajamas (while wearing them).

He flopped around at the top of the staircase like a dying fish.
After a solid 30 minutes, he waltzed into bed.

Dreaming of....dare I guess? Waffles and pancakes...

1 comment:

  1. sounds like growing pains, you better feed that boy some more....
