Tuesday, March 22, 2011

on conditional love

There is a chance I might be addressing the wrong crowd here
please excuse my rudeness.
I blame my insincerity on the lack of motherhood my life's resume.

It's just, sometimes I don't get kids. And sometimes, gosh, sometimes they bug me.
Is that okay to say?

I just wonder how you do it? As a mother? Because when my day is over all those kids who stared at me
and said my name over and over
and asked me questions they already knew the answer to
and made a mess on the floor
and didn't pick it up
at the end of my day they leave. And that's when I breathe.

And I come home and run with the dog and I shower and put on my pj's. I watch the news and get carried away in "open in new tab" world for minutes (hours) on end. I read my book and go to bed when I'M tired.

I love them. I do. They are sweet and growing and changing and caring and excited about life.
But at 2:40

they are gone.

And sometimes that makes me love them more.

1 comment:

  1. Wait till you get home from the gym and your little one some how hears you gingerly close the door at 5:30 am, stands up in the Crib and says, "Daddy, Daddy" then begs for a) mommy's bed, b) potty and c) cheerios...

    Then you know there is no escaping into PJ's
