Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Friends We Will Become.

As the sun set and the sky darkened (and the mosquitoes got hungrier) I hugged Ms. Nonie on the front porch tonight while listening to the kids play on the big disc swing across the street. She nibbled on her fingers.

Then, she buried her face into my shirt. Over and over again.

Ms. Nonie giggled while I pretended her 2-tooth bite hurt my index finger.

She waved at our neighbors. They did not see her, nor did they wave back. Darn kids. Waving is her *NEW TRICK* her *ONLY TRICK*. My heart ached for her - but she didn't know enough to care. Good for her, I thought.

Then, she kissed me in a very Nonie-slobbery way. Mouth to chin. (Her) MOUTH to (My) CHIN. She's definitely teething.

From above, I heard Dame read Dec some special bedtime stories (thanks Gran - very Zen) and I couldn't help but think:

I can't wait for these new friendships we've been given the opportunity to forge - to grow.

My kids.

My friends.

My heart.


A Carhartt Hug:

P.S. My wee ones are the best. Or have I said that already?

P.P.S Luckiest mom in the world. Or have I said that already?

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