Thursday, June 11, 2009

Runaway Ducks...

We went to first grade a couple of weeks ago, the Dec, Nonie, Doodle playcare packed it up for a big field trip to Nancy's 1st grade classroom. It was AWESOME. Literally, I haven't been in a first grade classroom in a MANY number of years. I don't know how anyone gets anything done in there, there is just so much to look at on the walls. No wonder so many kids these days have ADHD. We got to meet a classroom of ogling (sp?) kids and then play with the ducks. While Dec was more interested in the books and cash register, I was set to watch these 1 day old creatures that seemed to always want to dart near someone's large foot. Needless to say I was in the throws of a near panic attack. 2 ducks running, 2 babies melting, and a Doodle with a lolly...I think I need to start making up songs....
Oh thats right, I did yesterday during our very mellow stay at home playcare, it goes like this:
"One baby cries
and then the other baby cries
and then we're all cry-ing,

I even have a tune for it....

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