Sunday, August 30, 2009

Summer Recap

The most wonderful time of the year? Really? After a most busy 3 months of semi-retirement I am breaking out the ballet flats and heading back to work tomorrow. Goodbye little (little?) toesies, see you next year. Goodbye Regis and Kelly, catch you on the first snowday. Goodbye fresh food and berries, meet up with you when the warm weather returns.

Just so you know, I've spent the past few days preparing the house and, most importantly, my closet, for the occasion. Eric went to Michigan and while the cat was away the mouse used the tools in his workshop. On a similar note, if anyone knows how to put the sandpaper back onto a beltsander send the info along my way.

I finally found a use for one of my 33 handkerchiefs that I WON on ebay. Well, actually a second use, I pawned one off to Gracie in her birthday gift. She is probably very confused. And, well, another of the handkerchiefs has "Helen" embroidered on it so I consider that one to be relatively useless unless I actually cave in and use it to blow my nose. I have my dead man laid on for tomorrow and am ready to go (I'm going with a funky color combination, Nie inspired, of couse, to let people know "I'm here and I'm excited"). If I could just get my dang computer to CLICK on the BUTTON to upload PICTURES I could get on with things and go to BED so I don't have dark RACCOON EYES in the MORNING.

Well, my most exciting pre-back-to-school news was that I managed to recover three of the four kitchen chairs. This was an exciting triumph because of a handful of obstacles that included: my calculations for fabric coming to fifty five yards, which sounded a bit high but sounded really ridiculous when Tese said "HALF A FOOTBALL FIELD??" and then laughed for six minutes. Ok, so it was really 2 2/3 yards but we don't do division in second grade so ha... when I went to get staples for the staple gun the man at the store asked me if it was for hard or soft wood. I get it, I do. You need to make small talk on the way to the staple aisle. But I was befuddled and told him "well it felt hard to me"... I mean... it's WOOD, man.

You won't get to see the picture of the before and after tonight (curse curse curse, computer) but it's acomin. After work starts, I suppose.


  1. Love this. I still maintain that you could have wrapped up the new house for Eric with the 55 yards of fabric. He would have loved it.

  2. Hope your first day back was grand....XXOO
