Thursday, October 8, 2009

Man, we're old.

Happy 100th post me-ladies :)

I would like to thank, in this order:


Because Annie uses Bernice Brownie Recipe, which we all know to be delicious.

And when Tese called Annie to ask about the recipe, she didn't pick up the phone. So Tese called Kara, to see where Annie was, or to see who knew what about Bernice's brownie recipe.

Turns out Annie has blogged about Bernice's Brownies and Kara told Tese so.

Tese whipped up a batch of brownies and offered them to me as dinner the other night when I met her at the park and ride. We were headed to a David Sedaris show. It was hysterical! I gladly accepted.

Tonight I opened up the bag of Bernice's treats and plopped one in my new anthropologie bowl (housewarming gift. cute) and scooped some Friendly's ice cream on top. As I enjoyed my sweet (with two, budding, cavities, might I add- didn't know I had non-filled teeth left) I reflected on how the Friendly's ice cream really wasn't that good. This surprised me. I mean, it wasn't bad, but it was second fiddle to the brownie. It was, however, the perfect soft-ness which made the dish a success.

A celebration to be sure! Which was perfect because when I signed in I saw I would be the 100th post and I knew my brownie sundae celebration was more than just a craving fulfilled.

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE bernice
    se is my favorite sister....
    i mean not mine, but somebody's...
    she is my go to desert ALWAYS and if you don't know the recipe BY it easy, so delic.....
