Wednesday, December 8, 2010

gotta go gotta go gotta go

I got a Kindle for Christmas.
It got shipped to a man in the next town over who happens to have the same name as Briny.
And when he left us a voicemail saying he thinks he has our Kindle I knew Santa had come early.

I am still feeling it out.
Still getting used to flipping with a button.
In our days of an abundance of technology, this new "toy" will take some time getting used to.
I love books.
Booksth, as Xave calls them (his lisp is great). There is something about the weight, the smell and the feel.
And there is an unknown reaction that happens in the body when surrounded by books. For me it is the bookstore.
And for Xave, it is apparently the library. The sudden "gotta go" type urge.

For the past several weeks, as Xave and I pull into the library, he starts shouting, "PEEPEE! PEEPEE THERE!"
And the first thing we do is head to the potty seat, pull down the diaper so he can yell and scream at me that he does not, in fact have to do peepee. BUt after about 10 minutes pulling out every 4th book in the children's section asking "firetuck? firetuckbookmom? He gets the gotta go urge. And goes. And tells me after. And no, not PEEPEE.
And I can't say I blame him. There is not a bookstore I have met where the same thing hasn't occured to me.

So I slowly enter the realm of the bookless books.
And wonder about the relationship between books and bowels.
And am happy that at least one of my traits was passed on to my son.
So when people say "he looks just like his dad", I can always come back with:
"yes but he does THIS, just like me..."

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