Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Alive in the Books.


There is a woman who influenced me. And now she is gone.
I just learned today from Erin that she is gone.

I once worked with her and she had an eye for all things fashion, current, and chic.
The way she flattered customers from the minute they walked through the door, and giggled as she rang up their thousand dollar sales ... that was the K.T. way.

She had the best laugh, and I can hear it as I type.

With no kids of her own, she spent a lot of time with her sister's children.
I really loved and admired the relationship that Karen had with them all.
She would talk about the three kids. Always.

Karen would talk to me about the day they'd all take the library by storm. "Library Day" - she'd call it.
I listened as she talked. She'd tell me about the books the twins had checked out when she went with them.

Sometimes, the girls and their tiny brother would come to the 'Tweed and race around with a new book in hand while their mom re-designed the display windows.
K.T. would chat with each of the kids, and ask them questions about their books. They seemed to glow in their Aunt's undivided attention. Probably because she really listened to them when they talked about their books. Her world would suddenly halt, when the children presented their latest "Library Day" finds.

I never knew how closely I paid attention to any of this, until today.


Why do I remember this?
Why do I remember this today, now that K.T. is gone?


I was much younger when I knew Karen well.

I was fresh out of college and had my sights set on three things: dating the love of my life, accumulating as much of the gear that we sold in that store, and oh, yeah - figuring out my career....

Now I am older.

I married that love of my life.
I still wear much of the gear amassed during those few years at the 'Tweed.
And my career seems to be moving in the right direction.

But "Library Day" has its place in my world, too.


Now, with two children of my own, my weekly "To Do" list includes going to the library with them.
Since Declan was an infant, we'd hit the library at least once a week. Karen was, without a doubt, the inspiration for those first few trips.
Suddenly, we'd established such a routine that it felt odd to not go to the library every week.


Today, after hearing the news about K.T., I paused and thought of her while standing with my two kids in the middle of our library.
A tiny hand held each of mine, and for a long time I felt very, very sad.


Karen is the reason our librarians greet my children by name.

Karen is the reason our library basket is overflowing with books every day of the year.

And, she is the reason I encourage my children to love libraries and all they contain.

There is a woman who influenced me. And now she is gone.

I'm having a hard time believing she is gone.

But in every way imaginable, Karen will be Alive In The Books we cart home in our canvass bag, on "Library Day" each week.

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