Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Although the air is getting crisper
and the sun is setting earlier
and work is starting tomorrow
and I'm not getting paid as much as I would like to be
and I don't have the job I wish I did
and my computer is fussy
and I think the neighbor's have realized I'm "borrowing" their internet
and I'm just about out of garbage bags and the bin is full
and I haven't seen some family since Sunday
and I would love to make some homemade bread but I'm trying not to EAT bread
and I can't find a good deoderant that doesn't smell like b.o.
and there's no puppy to play with after work
and my "puppy jar" money was used to buy a couch
and my handyman hasn't seemed to figure out that the pile of framed items in the corner of the kitchen would look so much cuter hanging on the wall...
...I'm still happy it's today.

And I can kick off my shoes (that give me blisters and ballet-slip-right-off-my-feet-while-I'm-trying-to-walk) and give thanks for what I do have.
At the top of my list is everyone who reads this blog (unless someone not-related has stumbled across it, to which I say... my apologies).
Among other things.

Because "if we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's; we'd grab ours back".

Oh and look - my chairs are making their grand debut. I managed to cover all four of them, the last while it still had 1 bolt connecting the seat to the wood. Talented? Probably. Unless you look from the bottom-up.

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