Sunday, June 27, 2010

Actually, it's all about me.

I'm sure she didn't do much until she was four anyway.

So really, when I think about Erin,

I think about me.

Because when I think about me, I want to think about Erin.

She is all of the below.

She is love, generosity.

She is heart, laughter, ears.

One time, I was having car trouble in college. Serious trouble, like the power steering stopped, and I could hardly turn the wheel. And I was on the highway. And then I got to a lot, and stopped. And the hood started smoking.

So I called Erin.

My mechanic. My calm.

I call her for happy things, too.

She is however I am feeling. She takes me on as her own. She lets me go on her honeymoon and pinch her baby's cheeks. Her bed is always made for me. And like a true little sister, I love being wherever she is.

Happy Birthday sweet Erin.


  1. i was just thinking about that today...lemonade stands and dress up and making vidoes while mom was at are my bf, i love you...hope the tennis skirt worked and the ball was hit HARD...XOXO

  2. That picture makes me laugh... A lot.
    Is that in Boston? Did I take it? Is my computer screen dirty or is Emah's comforter really dirty in that picture?! Can't tell..
    Lovey lovely....

  3. And wouldn't she just take the dirty bed? But no, I think it is your computer. Yes to Boston. No to you taking it. Bri was the photog I believe.
