Thursday, June 10, 2010


That's "strategic plan" for you lay people.

And I just got out of a 3-hour strategic planning SESSION. Don't even TRY to hide your jealousy. I can smell it from here.

Maybe if you're nice, I'll show you my notes some day. Maybe.


I promise (insist, actually) that upon exiting the session this evening, I had no intention of blogging about strategic planning. In fact, writing wasn't really on the docket at all.

But then, I hung up the phone after speaking with Bri en route to the Riv, and realized I had just heard him describe his (very) well thought out, and creative PLANNED STRATEGY for making it to a ferry tomorrow evening. Impressive I tell you.

Just call him to hear for yourself. But don't use the term "strategic plan" - you may confuse him, he's a lay person.

His strategic plan involves trains, park & rides, carpools, and lots more "we'll do anything to avoid sitting in I-95 traffic on a summer Friday" kind of innovation.


So, I hung up with Bri and started ruminating on planned strategies.

You know, strategic plans.

Do I have a strategic plan? Do you?

Let me think about this.


Not saying I have a strategic plan for my weekend @ Happy House, but if I did it might just include (in NO particular order):

Being comfortable. Starting with my 18-year old lacrosse pants.

Figuring out what this thing is all about:

Tending to my flowers, getting dirt stuck under my nails (no better candy for my soul).
And, of course, singing
"old crow watches HUNG RILY" at least twice (cause once is never enough):

Eating one meal with Dec's favorite graduation present.
He exclaimed, "just what I always wanted!" upon opening it.
(Really Dec, have you even seen one of these before yesterday?)
Regardless, I have to give it a whirl:

Handing over the paint tubs to the kids and hope they laugh as much as they did during their paint parade:

For the record, I'll also eat an ice cream of some sort. I just didn't have a good photog of that.

Finally, what is a weekend without inserting
a little swing in places it has never been before?

'Cause after all,

And neither will Bri.

(tell the island i miss her)

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