Friday, May 13, 2011


Sometimes it amazes me what come out of Xave's mouth.
A lot of the time it has to do with baseball, but the other things that he picks up on and spurts out at random times always catch me by surprise.
As we watch the news a picture will flash on the the screen and he'll either scream "Obama, mommy look, Obama" as if his best friend was on t.v., or he'll say in his low serious lispy voice, "thats a bad guy right there" as a photo montage of Bin Laden plays.

The other day he lifted up his dinner cup and started signing "holy, holy, holy- look mom I'm the priest". Apparently he does pay attention through the cheerio flinging and squirming.
And I do try hard not to swear. Especially around X.
But sometimes it either just slips out. Or something (someone) happens to get on the couch (or takes a ball point pen and draws on the couch) and a curse may accidentally come out.
So I shouldn't be all that surprised when he picks up on those words too and spews them out at random intervals, like every time he hits a baseball "oh sh.., oh sh.., oh sh..".
That's when I so cleverly swoop in from the other room and laugh, "oh shoot? what are you shooting? oh shoot oh shoot...but we don't shoot things, do we?" Oh dear, here we are jumping from one disaster to the next.

So today I was delighted as we were driving around and I pointed out the airport way over there. Not even sure if he could even see the planes, but just hearing that we were near the airport illicited a big shriek and a


We'll see what happens when he actually sees the plane next time.

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