Monday, April 19, 2010

Done not Perfect

This is they way I like things. It's a simple concept for me. I like projects.
Especially easy ones. One and done. One day that is.
Plans, blueprints, multiple steps, HECK NO. Not for me.

I married someone quite the opposite. Plans, charts, structure, and MEASURING are the only way he can move forward with the household tasks I have in my head. When we bought our house I wanted to paint every room. And I pretty much did, preggers and all I took my paint can and brush and splashed paint all over these walls. It is FAR from perfect. But I did it. And at the end of the day I could say that it is done. And even if it means when I lie in bed at night I look at the jaggedy paint edges, or when in Xavy's room I cringe when someone (heaven forbid) close the door and see the number I did (or didn't do) on the green stripe.

But I came up with a way to get the best of both of us (my ambition and his perfection). I became a demolition expert. I take my clippers and saw and hack away at bushes, then leave the nasty root to be dug up by the root digger fairy guy. I pull up our gross sunroom carpet. First just a corner to see Bri's reaction. Then the whole thing. It was glued down so me and Xave and our hammers pulled for a couple of days. When I removed it and bought the stick down tiles I knew it wasn't a job for me (math, head would burst). So I set the measurer up to do his handy work.
Thanks goodness for him. Because we went from the smelly cat pee rug to a place where I can do this

It's PERFECT, for the chicken dance, or any other type of dance.

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