It's ok that I am telling you this. I told him so just an hour ago.
That is because I had a very lovely glass plate. But I did not have a large lid for my pan.
So I used my plate to cover me pan to cook my rice.
Until... oh until. The plate slid off the pan and before shattering into approximately 1.674 million pieces on the floor, it hit my foot.
I said "that kind of hurt" and then started cleaning up glass while my rice got cold.
When I stood up I noticed a spot on my sock. Remembering the plate had fallen on my foot I thought "blood" and "I hope these are my socks".
True story! Everywhere is no lie! Well kind of a lie but a small one.
Eric said "put your foot in the tub!"
And he cleaned up the glass. And wiped up the red stuff I trailed into the bathroom (gross!)
Then he made me a tourniquet out of the bandana that I hope got washed after I used it during that day last week that I went to school with a super boogy nose.
Then we ate cold rice. And then he let me lie on the couch with my foot up while he scraped the cold rice and other such delights out of the pans and cleaned them. And he told me it looked pretty deep and put some goopy stuff on the scene of the crime.
And he said "Oh... but I ASKED".
But this time, he just DID.
And it was nice.
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