Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dear Pneumonia

You make my little girl so sick and sad. Why, after a three week hiatus, did you have to come back? None of us enjoy you.

I'm not quite sure who invited you, where you came from, and how long you'll stay this time around - but my days are filled wondering...

I can't believe that the medicine They say will help make you go away is as vile as it is. No surprise that Nonie shoots it out of her mouth like a machine gun's spray. No ice cream flavor, jug of juice or yogurt can disguise the taste. Grainy, sour, acidic, liquid that smells like it went bad years ago. Twice a day we fight your symptoms by squirting this Yuk into Nonie's mouth. Just 9 days left.

Dear Pneumonia. Before three weeks ago, I never knew how to spell your name. Now I do. And that, is not a good sign.

**** Nonie Update ****

Hi (family),

I'm typing this to the sounds of chainsaws and trees falling. They are clearing the land across the street way up on a rock ledge
above my house. And, I'm trying to ignore the scene (I've turned my chair away from the windows) because I promised myself that today would be a better day than yesterday....

Thanks for the calls about Nonie. She does have pneumonia. A much more extensive 'bout of it than last time - I saw the XRay comparisons last night. That means more powerful meds which she spits out of her mouth with such force and determination. We've introduced chocolate easter eggs as a reward for her taking her meds. And she's warming up to the idea. Not to be left out of the excitement - Declan is now on a perpetual sugar buzz and has traces of chocolate around the corners of his mouth morning, noon and night. He couldn't be happier
(just in case you were wondering). Sweet Nonie is sleeping now and will feel better by tomorrow - I'm sure. For now I get to watch her sleep and hold her during her coughing fits. We all know that it could be SO much worse than this. So now, we are counting our blessings.


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