Friday, March 12, 2010

McQueen the fish....

Just a quick note to the newest member of our family: McQueen the fish.

You've been with us for less than 3 hours, I hope you like it here. I hope the temperature of your water is okay, and that you like the orange rocks and the tree. Dec was really thrilled to pick those all out for you. I hope we haven't overfed you in these 3 hours - is once an hour too much?? We're just excited to have you as a guest.

You're our newest friend!!!

Dec is also so proud because he picked you. This afternoon. After being diagnosed with pneumonia and driving 45 minutes up the highway (at dinnertime) to the pet the driving rain. That seemingly endless journey led us to you. The Beta Fish. The fish in the store that moved the LEAST. The fish in the store that looks like it got into a fight with all the other big fish in the store. Dec picked you.

Between you and me, you're the last fish in the store that I would have picked. And when they went back to put you in the travel bag, I was tempted to run back with the store employee and swap you for a different fish. One that moved more. But I didn't. Because Dec picked you.

My Dec took one look at you and knew instantly that you were to come home with us. I apologize for the bumpy ride. The twists and turns of Route 22. I apologize for being left on the floor of my car for a few minutes while I ran into CVS (to pick up prescriptions) and Wild Ginger (to pick up dinner). In the driving rain. Sorry, I thought Daddy was paying attention to Dec's "holding you". But, evidently, he wasn't.

I must say though, you've already brought Nonie so much joy. And no, I don't think she'll ever walk by your bowl and not say "Hi" to you. That "Hi" in her super sweet Nonie voice - that is why we bought you. So please, get used to it.

You've already brought Dec so much pride. Remember, out of all the hundreds (maybe thousands even), he picked YOU! You! The fish that doesn't move!

Please. Please stay around until tomorrow morning.

I promise that I won't let the kids line up all our fish toys outside your bowl (again). I'll hide the seal, I'll take away the scary Sharky's Sharks. Just stay 'til tomorrow. Please?!

Because, as I look at you this evening, in the fading light of my laptop, I realize:

Though we call you Dec's fish...

You're really my fish.

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