Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mom's Boy

Today was one of those days when the boy was golden, and delicious. If he had been hanging from a tree someone would have scooped him up and eaten him. The Xavy part shined bright and the two-year old (evil?) part slept the day away somewhere else. Thanks be to God.
Shared breakfast of homemade cinnamon raisin-toast with extra butter. Cuteness and songs on the way to school. Finishing nearly every sentence, word or question with mom.
Iddybiddybider mom? Wheredaddy, mom? Daddywerk, mom? Eatmoreapple, mom? rororoyorbo, mom?
We talked about all the big kids who got to ride the school bus today and didn't have a huge melt down when WE didn't get to ride the bus. We played baseball and I delivered pitch after pitch. And when I attempted to end the game on account of making dinner I got a brief shriek of no, then a flash of genius. "Your turn, mom." Huh? It has never been my turn. Ever.

We took an adventure to the high school to see his older cousin play football, shared homemade pizza and had lots of couch snuggles while daddy went to the Yankee game. And as I said goodnight I cried. My beautiful, precious, sweet, darling baby is my joy.
And if tomorrow everything from waking up to getting out the door is a battle I will reach into this memory for strength. I will know that he is good, and sweet and kind. I will read this again to remember this day.
As I walked around the high school with my baby on my shoulders I flashed forward 12 years and wondered if I would remember walking around answering to....
whatthat, mom?
baseball field
big boy got a booboo
oh, booboo mom?

whatthat mom?
whatthat mom?
whatthat mom?


  1. I too will return to those moments. Beautiful joy. And of course I am crying.
