I also must have been feeling like I had some time to spare.
Because when I got to school I saw a beautiful rainbow and I decided to take a picture of it.
Notice, if you will, that I am the first car in the lot,
always am.
That must have been just a few hours before I decided to go on and get married in 5 months.
Emotionally I am ready.
There are a lot of people to coordinate to get together on one day,
did you notice?
Goodness me. This thing can really get out of hand.
BUT that's why 5 months is better than 12 months. Do you see? Just cram it all in THEN enjoy it after the fact. I mean, during. Right, this is fun. During. And after, too.
Did I tell you that while trying to coordinate dresses and photographers and musicians x3 and
peacocks and priests and family and invitations and accessories and friends and lodging and pre-cana weekends and, and, and...
I am also left to coordinate how 23 6 year olds and 1 5 year old should co-exist in a hot sweaty classroom to learn and also to pretend that each-other is not farting their way through the day?
They do. It's gross.
So when I get an email that someone is bored.
I can't help it. I just can't.
All of my planning. My 10 hours at school a day. My poor dog that I leave at 6:30am and come home to at 5:30pm. My water bottle that sits empty because I know I can't fill it because I don't have time to go to the bathroom.
All of those factors go... excuse me? Excuse me?
Don't you know?
Don't you get it?
Don't you see?
I've got a wedding to plan.
Oh, but I know. I signed up for it. All of it. From the job to the toots to the reception. I took it on. It's all mine.
So maybe. I can let him lick some envelopes?
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