Wednesday, October 6, 2010

In The Shadow of Cowboys.

The other day (the night before I was to spend two days shuttling myself back and forth to hartford for a national convention of "tree huggers", I had an idea:

It was as clear as a neon sign against a black sky, and it flashed the words:

What's that you say?


You see, with childcare assembled for a solid 48-hour block, the idea of jetting off to a two-day spa danced in my mind and tricked the corners of my mouth to rise slightly. Slightly Mischievously, I might add.

Do It!! Just do it. You never do crazy things like that.

For a few moments (of bliss) I could just feel the white robe on my skin and the cushioned slippers soothing my 13.1-miled-feet. And, I could hear the distinct trickle of water over silky rocks and I could just welcome the warmth transferring to my hands as they wrapped around a cup of herbal tea.


Did I do it?

Of course not.

(You Loser)

I did what I was supposed to do. I left my children, my husband and all homely responsibilities and...

Drove to Hartford.

And back from Hartford.

And drove to Hartford. Again.

And back from Hartford. Again.

And for most of the conference I thought:

What am I doing
  • With my career?
  • With my calling in life?
  • With my interests in protecting the environment?
  • With my talents?
  • My time?
But then, in the very last workshop on the very last day I found myself in the shadow of two cowboys.

When they entered the room with big dusty hats and big dirty shoes, I knew some spark was going to fly.

It was an hour and a half into the workshop when one of them stood to speak. He spoke of family histories being embedded in the very ranches we're talking about saving. He spoke of love for the land and love for these lifestyles as the most important and effective conservation tool. He spoke about respect.

While he spoke, stunning photographs flashed on the big screen: of canyon lands, mountain regions, kids Dec & Nonie's ages standing in vast prairies with cowboy hats on checking out the endless landscapes with their grandparents off in the distance.

I was captivated, inspired, humbled and motivated.

How different he is from me (I kept thinking)!

Oh my word! How similar we both are!
(I kept thinking)!

In the shadow of these cowboys I found perspective on the world around me and my role in it.
I saw more clearly where I am going and how best to be an inspiration to others in the face of the adversity I am certain to find along the way.

In the shadow of cowboys
I concluded my "2-DAY NON-SPA" and rejoiced in the rejuvenation that came from them.

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