All I remember is Declan knocking on the tiny window next to his bed and his whispering words, "bye daddy, have a good day...".
Shortly after that - he was nestled on "Daddy's side of the bed" watching the Imagination Movers while I latched on in desperation to those last luscious moments of bed laziness before the day begins. They were... luscious.
20 minutes later - Nonie was break-dancing in her crib. Before it collapsed beneath her, I scooped her up - a**plosion and all - and changed her into her cozy (BUT CUTE!) outfit for the day.
Breakfast was Raisin Bran with extra raisins dropped from eyebrow distance from yours truly. We Wheels always need extra raisins. They make our smile bigger.
I pretend "raced" Dec to get dressed. I won, but then had to pretend that I had many other things to do while he buttoned up his shirt (which was worn by Connor and Maddy then lovingly passed along to Himself...)... I could see the leaves whirling outside - gray autumn sky swirling about and all of a sudden it became an "Auntie Peg sweater" kind of day. The handknit sweater vest from Ireland went on with excitement. Who knew? Vests? This is the 3rd year he's worn it. Vests are the bests.
"You're the last one to get dressed!", bombed Dec's voice at me as I finished the last button on his polo. "No honey, I am dressed. And THIS is as good as I'm gonna look - may look like PJs to you - but this is definitely my outfit for the day - now go grab your school bag and shoes....gotta get going or we'll be the last ones there..."
We took extra time this morning to make sure there were no extra lumps in his socks. Who likes lumps? Not Lily. This I know for a fact.
I kissed the back of Nonie's neck 24 times. She laughed.
Murphy got a good few kisses from me before he raced away. He laughed.
On the way to school we listened to music REALLY LOUD. I don't even remember the songs. I can only remember three heads bopping in agreement with the tunes.
Exchanges in the PRMS parking lot were brief and friendly. Other Mom's looked as frazzled as me. Am I not the only one? Wow.
At CTShops we delighted everyone we could find by giving out 20% off coupons. Call us Santa, Kris Kringle - whatever you want - but we shared the wealth and it was appreciated.
Almost bought Nonie a princess headband set. Almost. But then the real me kicked in and said - what the hell are you thinking. She's a silk flower kind of girl.
Gave the lovely man who pumped our gas a CMT coupon. It felt just right. If I could only be a philanthropist. That is my calling in life. Of this, I am sure.
The rain started, just as we pulled in to pick Dec up. We scooted home to our cozy house for a cozy lunch and changed in to our cozy clothes.
We built the train tracks into the most unimaginable layout. We played. Around and around they went. Ugh Nonie. Around and around they went. Ugh Nonie.
Nonie soon learned that sitting on the tracks and then scooting with them stuck under her bottom is a "no no".
Nonie was joyful. All she wanted was to be included. That is, Nonie and her 36 stuffed-animal entourage. Emah, remember that seal stuffed animal you and Bri got for Dec in San Fran? That is one of the animals dragged around by Nonie all day. Safety in numbers, I guess.
Then Nonie walked. Then Nonie scooted. Train tracks scooted.
Nonie went down for a nap. Dec looked relieved.
Dec watched a Diego video. In Spanish.
I worked to "save trees". Trees! Hooray for Trees!
Snack was peanut butter and honey on grahamies for Dec and plain grahamies for me and Nonie. Fresh squeezed apple cider for all. Extra chilled to soothe our teething gums. Hey, one for all - all for one around these parts.
Daddy walked in through the door and happy children's faces stretched to an even happier state. How is this possible? I wondered. Then wondered some more.
Then it became clear when these words were spoken from Daddy:
"Hey Dec, do you know what the best part of my day was today? When you knocked on your tiny window next to your bed and waved goodbye to me."
We gathered round as Dec worked on his "homework". Spanish worksheets received praise from all - even Nonie.
Nonie played with magnets on the fridge.
I saved even more trees. Imagine that?!
Dinner as a family. Loud. Loud. And tasty. Thank God for the tasty cause loud, loud and loud would have been a bit much.
Nonie into the bubble bath. Drinking from a tiny plastic red square she snuck into the bathtub from her shape-sorter down the hall. Gotta keep our eye on her - she is a real scalliwag these days.
Dec and Daddy downstairs re-capping the day.
Clean baby wants to walk. Back and forth to Daddy. To Mommy delivering toys. To Daddy. To Mommy. Oooops.... roadblock: aka jealous sibling.
Jealous Dec sets up booby traps. His feet. His Hess Trucks. Throwing tennis balls at her innocent feet. These all make Nonie stumble. But, fall - she does not. Thatta girl!
Clean baby is kissed and handed to Daddy.
Dec clings to my kneecaps and kisses them repeatedly.
In the car, NPR re-caps the day's news. I call Lily and leave a message letting her know I'm thinking of her.
Emah has been on the elliptical for 15 minutes by the time I arrive.
I burn 330 calories.
We head to a local establishment after the gym to catch up. Calories are put back on. Of this, I am sure.
Drive home. The music is loud. My head bops as I wonder about my 2 other favorite bopping heads. Will they be sleeping when I get home? If they are - is this a good thing? Or a bad thing?
Catch up with the hubby.
Babies are sleeping. Heads are resting on pillows. This is good.
Computer looks are me and asks me how my day was.
And so...
This was my day.