Last night Nonie repeatedly touched my neck and laughed when her finger stuck to it.
Touch. Stick. Laugh.
It was kinda funny in an "I-need-something-to-laugh-at-in-the-middle-of-this-heat-wave" kind of way.
To distract us both, I began singing "This Little Light of Mine".
Oh, this little light of mine I'm going to let it shine Hallelujah This little light of mine I'm going to let it shine Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine....
For some reason, this is my "Go To" song right now. It is the one that pops into my head when the going gets....(in this case) (unbearably) HOT.
Why couldn't I have:
Kept it simple with: Twinkle Twinkle?
Kept it real with: Sidewalks of New York?
Anyway, she was enjoying my version of This Little Light and quite frankly, so was I.
I was harmonizing with myself. It was awesome.
(Cue The Eye Roll from the Sisters Now)
For all who just spent a sun-packed, fun-packed 4th of July weekend on the Vineyard with the "three babies" - you know that they all became well-versed in the word: "Mine". Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine.
So, should it be any surprise that Nonie replaced each "Shine" word in the song I sung to her, with the word "Mine"? By the end of the 3rd verse (her version of) the song went something like:
This little light of mine I'm going to let it mine Oh, this little light of mine I'm going to let it mine Hallelujah This little light of mine I'm going to let it mine.
Let it mine, let it mine, let it mine.
And with sweet sweat dripping down my brow, it was okay. I let her have it. She owned that song.
And she owns her light. That little light is hers.
The sparkle that comes out of her innermost soul when she realizes how sticky we both are. Touch. Stick. Laugh.
That little light of hers.
All hers.
And I stopped singing and breathed deeply.
Listening to her chorus of "mines".
I knew this was all I could do to not block her little light of hers....or stick to it.
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