Thursday, July 8, 2010


Here is the week in review:

Sun and fun and beach and boats!! YEAH!

Back home to our own beds!! WooHoo!!!


Mock refugee camp in the living room to sleep in the one air conditioned room! ALRIGHT! FAMILY SLEEPOVER!

having the heat affect all aspects of life resulting in doing things like: smashing rearview mirror on garage, trying to unlock daycare with the car remote and pretty much sweating through all clothes in places nobody wants to see sweatstains...booboo (thats a double boo)

Heat wave over, exercise done and it's THURSDAY...SHORT WEEK! yipyipyipeeeeeeeeeee
(plus i just made the most delicious treat ever- toasty crusty baguette spread with pesto, topped with fresh mozz and tomato....mmmmmmmmmmm)

Happy almost weekend y'all

**all photos courtesy of FXO photography

1 comment:

  1. I always try to unlock the house door with my car beeper! Never works!
    Nice close-ups of the shnozes Xave!
